Sunday, February 12, 2017

Sunday Morning

Sunday morning in Rednecktopia, February, freezing rain. I'm trying to shake some CRAZY dreams (names, dates, works of art, psycho killers, ex boyfriends,time travel, etc) with some tea in my fox mug,and Erkah Badu. I dreamed about making a Salvador Dali out of tinfoil, and upon waking, I'm thinking,"Is that a good idea? No, Christ! That is a terrible idea." Symbolically, what does a tin foil Salvador Dali mean? Fuck if I know. It means, don't fall asleep in an open meditative state, because all the crazies will just come FLOODING in that open door and rave all night long with too many drugs and strobe-y lights, and probably some ill considered sexual decisions.

Bob and I are still moving slow with this bug that holds on forever, like mono but not. We went out for a wild Saturday night, listening to Beastie Boys on a country drive, hibiscus tea from Dunkin Donuts and a trip to the used book store for a Valentine's gift for Sequoia. I love Valentine's Day. I know, I'm the only one. You don't have to tell me that Love Stinks, let me tell you about my first marriage...but I love the sweetness of little cards and candies, and the red and pink displays in the shop windows make my heart rate accelerate. I always like the things no one else likes.

Gotta go get Sequoia from a sleepover.

Have a good Sunday, Thrillerati.

Love and Light,
Your friend,


  1. The bit I don't get about Valentine's Day is you buying a gift for your daughter. Over here it's about sexual love, partners, that kind of thing - parents buying for their kids would be just gross. Not criticising or saying ours is better, just pointing out yet another difference between our two cultures. Love xxxx Anna

    1. I think for some people, here, it is also about sexual love, but my mom always gave everyone in the family a card and a candy at their place at the table in the morning of valentine's day, and so I do the same. Plus, I just love the holiday. Do kids in England have Valentine's parties in school?

  2. How did I miss this???

    I like Valentine's Day. Hubby bought me a bouquet of flowers that includes a sequinned heart on a stick. What's not to love about that??

    As to the weird dreams, remind me and I'll interpret. I have to go off to work for now, though :(

    Many hugs and Happy Valentine's Day!
