Thursday, February 23, 2017

The News

love and light,
your friend,


  1. I LOVE the "You Dipshits" sprinkled liberally throughout your handwritten post. And I love that it's handwritten~ that's a whole 'nother level of awesome <3

    I agree, however, that our current treatment of Mother Earth and of each other is atrocious to extremes. We as a race need an attitude adjustment. I expect Mother Earth will give it too us soon, and as usual the majority won't acknowledge the simple fact. :(

  2. I am so with you crying over where we are going, choices made, Standing Rock... The bit that makes me LIVID about trans people is - what/ They're gonna have an inspector of genitalia outside each and every bathroom? You can't tell who people are, you dipshits - and wtf that guy on your fb - where does he live that all that's happening in bathrooms, ffs? Ach, enough. I'm off to art. Anna xxxxx
