Saturday, March 4, 2017

Ha ha! Pray.

Good morning, Thrillerati!

Hanging out with Norman and a hot cup of coffee in my fox mug. Listening to Joni Mitchell's Blue, as I seem to do every time I wake up before everyone else. The past two days have been so crazy, I am glad I am the type who can get up at 7am on a Saturday, and just enjoy the peace. Yesterday was one of the more insane days of my life, but I am very proud of myself that I survived.

5am...Bob let Norman out, and he ran away. Can't find the black dog in the black night. Bob was late to work because he had to wait for the sun to come up to see the dog. Got dog back, no worries. A vigorous start to the day.

6:45am...Babysitting. Had to take Bob's truck because my car seems to be TOTALLED. No more orange station wagon. There seems to be more damage to the car than I previously realized and the mechanic says it can't go on the road. No problem. Bob takes his mom's car that we recently purchased...that is a stick and I don't know how to drive...yet.

8:30 am...Try to figure out what to do with my house. The sink and the bathtub in the girl's bathroom is clogged. Put draino and hope for the best. Clean toilet. The power that mysteriously went out at Xmas upstairs, and then mysteriously came back on again...went off again. Try to figure that out. Call me a witch, but I think the power issue has something to do with Nevie's comings and goings. Find an outlet that works in Nevie's room, move lamps. Clean Nevie's room. Sweep the kitchen floor where Bob left farm boot tracks all over while trying to find the dog. Mop the floor. Wax the floor.

10am...Sell pears. "We had a fantastic harvest this year and I have a whole new crop of dried Asian Pears, dried right in the orchard, no additives, no sugar, salt or sulfites, all natural, gluten free..." I really put my back into it. SELL THE PEARS. Find out that most grocery buyers univerally have Fridays off, nota bene.

12pm...Drive to Mercersburg to get NEVIE in Bob's truck. Spring Break. Very nervous. Listen to spiritual advice the whole way there. *We are not attracting...we are reflecting. Our inner world accurately is reflected in our outer world*  Ha ha!  Look at my outer world right now! Ha ha! Pray.

3pm...Nevie is totally NICE! Nevie is totally NICE! Nevie is totally lovely, thanked me for leaving the lights on in her room and making it homey when she got there, gave me a big hug and TOLD ME SHE LOVED ME AND I CAN DIE NOW BECAUSE I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!

6:30pm... Come home to Sequoia (Bob is at wrestling) and decide to take everyone out to dinner. We had a lovely meal with my TWO DAUGHTERS LAUGHING AND EATING AND GETTING ALONG AND BEING AMAZING PEOPLE AND I COULD DIE AGAIN BECAUSE I AM SO HAPPY!!!!! Side note: Feel a little embarrassed by how much I like Cracker Barrel. So un-punk rock. As Nevie says,"You want to be a fancy lady, but really you just want Cracker Barrel's Pinto Beans." True.

9pm...Get home, so proud of myself, so happy for all that I achieved, so proud that Nevie is good, fantasizing about my nice puppies and my nice cozy bed... and I can't get the key out of the ignition of Bob's truck.
Google the problem, and try all of the tips and tricks. Nope. Tell myself calmly,"You handled all the bullshit of today very well, and you will handle this one more thing tomorrow."

10pm...Nevie comes into my room and gives me an extra hard hug and tells me she loves me. I die. SO HAPPY!!!

Love and light,
Your friend,

1 comment:

  1. So the transition is finally beginning with your girls. <3 It always does with teens, but it's wonderful for you to finally experience it. It might not last - yet - but in time it will become a permanent fact. Your girls are growing up enough to recognize how truly awesome a person their mom is. In a very few more years they'll begin to see you less as a fixture and more as a person. It takes time, and it's that very realignment that creates a lot of the drama with teens.

    I'm sorry for all the headaches interspersed throughout the day. There are definitely "those days", and sounds like yours was one of them! Hopefully sooner or later you got the key out of the truck. Very frustrating!
