Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Just A Lot Of Everything...

A Rednecktopian Xmas tree farm

Hello, my gorgeous, brilliant Thrillerati! How are you, dear firecracker? I am excellent-excellent-excellent! Been very busy and I don't even know where to start. It feels amazing to not be depressed. It feels amazing to be reconciled with Nevie, really that is most of the cake. It feels amazing to be busy with work, and the girls, and Bob, and the house, and the dogs.


I've got to pace myself. Art commissions, art classes, volunteering at the Arts Alliance, Sequoia performed as a "Tore-adorable" in Gypsy, the farm wants me to spend more hours selling pears, and the puppy is...a buffalo that lives in our house. Nevie went back to school, my car is totaled after my Adirondack crash...I thought it was fine, it is not...dealing with insurance. I had to make visual aids with post-its to try to understand the complicated finances of our vehicles. I'm about ten years behind in financial literacy because I had no money to be literate about (sentence structure?). I call my mom, embarrassing, she is good with that stuff, and patient with my lack of knowledge.

 We had a two foot snow storm, now melting, and our driveway is not exactly paved, so we have eight inches of mud...and three dogs. There is a lot of hair and dirt. A LOT OF HAIR AND DIRT. I had one day of a Hashimotos flare-up, and I went straight to work correcting it with turmeric tea, wild salmon and green juice, and that handled it.  What an improvement! I have to keep my intestinal lining in mind, day to day, to not be crazy.

 Bleached my hair blonde. Trying to care a little how I look...not too much, not too little. I don't want to look like I'm depressed and don't give a shit any more. I bought the high heeled sneakers that I wanted for two years, and love them. I wish I had ten more pairs. My brain has opened up again to WANT things, a new perspective for me...sometimes annoying because my finances don't accommodate any "wants".

 I have been accepted to this cool arts tour in June, so I have to start painting for that. There is also gallery space open at the Arts Alliance, if I ever have to time to organize that. Painted and sold two pairs of custom shoes for two little girls, and was sent a video of their appreciation...oh, my heart! So sweet! I was saying I didn't want to do commissioned shoes any more because I work too hard on them and lose profit, but then I see the sweet little kids and take allllll the commissions.  I really am going to have to edit and prioritize what I do. I can't just do anything that is thrown at me without dying of exhaustion. There is a huge lake and rut in my driveway, and my friend was like, "Oh my god, get that fixed!" and I hadn't even taken notice of it. Honestly, sometimes I don't see obvious things. And sometimes I do see them, and don't care.

My biggest dream/want is an apartment in the city, while keeping the country house. Maybe a tiny studio. It is very lonely in the country, although I do love it in the summer, swimming and hiking.

Bob is working very hard on learning to market his graphic novel. He has started going to comic-cons to speak to artists and have his work critiqued. He is listening to podcasts for comic book artists, and learning about self publishing and kickstarter campaigns. He is working on his digital portfolio, and for the first time asking about different social media platforms, like the difference between FB, Insta and Twitter.  He has put aside his guitar, his wrestling, and his friend-time just to focus on this.

If you are a part of the Thrillerati facebook group, I asked you all to submit questions, and I plan to illustrate my answers. Here is my first installment...

My superstar, LA asked me,"If you could fill a swimming pool with something besides water, what would it be?"

love and light,
Your friend,

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the illustrated answers!!! Such an amazing, creative idea!

    Glad to hear the hashi's is under your thumb despite its best efforts to flare up. You got this!

    Now we just need to work on the new truck and the gas cards. You'll get there.
